Career Management
In order for Sarıbekir Ambalaj employees to manage their careers correctly and develop their skills, we base our development plans on them in line with their competencies. Our employees; business and performance results, according to their experience and competencies within the company; participates in the internal promotion process with established standards. If he fulfills the requirements, he can be appointed to a higher position, and he can work in a different field or in our other group companies by rotation.
While we support our employees with trainings for the development of their talents and careers, we also organize ourselves to train our managers.

Performance management
Performance management is implemented in our company with a ‘transparent’ approach in order to increase the contribution and motivation of our employees to the work and to reward their success. Our evaluation system consists of setting targets in line with our company’s strategies, distributing targets to departments, taking action through periodic and year-end assessments of targets, and feedback processes.
In our performance evaluation system, our managers conduct periodic evaluation and feedback meetings with their teams. In these meetings, what needs to be done to improve the performance of the employee is determined, the development and career planning of the employee is arranged, and the performance results are applied as a criterion for the wage increases and career advancement of our employees.
In order to increase the competencies of our employees, to ensure their professional development and to increase their sectoral knowledge, trainings and development practices are carried out within our company.
Training planning is prepared in line with the development needs determined as a result of the performance evaluation. In our annual training programs, for the training needs of our personnel; There are different topics such as personal development, technical knowledge and skills, management skills, sales and marketing.

The selection and placement process in HR management is managed with the approach of placing candidates suitable for the company values in the required positions, based on the goals and principles of our company. Job postings are published on career websites in order to reach potential candidates with suitable qualifications, and applications for positions are made online and/or by evaluating the applications made in person to our workplace.
As a result of the examination made among the applications, suitable candidates are determined and invited for an interview. In the interview, the competencies of the candidate are measured by conducting foreign language and general aptitude tests in accordance with the requirements of the position. As a result of all these evaluations, a job offer is made to the candidates found suitable by Human Resources and the recruitment process for the position is terminated.